Monday, February 21, 2011

Real Life Teachers: Cuz School ain't Real Life?

Teachers in the real world, the “grown-up” world show up in my experience serendipitously. I've found them ( or vice versa ) every where I've been, and I've been in a few different places and industries. Having pursued an acting career for the first decade I was out of college, I had a myriad of acting coaches, many of whom were certain they were angels, if not prophets. As intimate as an actor to coach relationship can be – it was all about the business with most of them.

While I was pursuing acting in Los Angeles in the last century, I was working in temporary positions and had the privilege of meeting a Controller at Colwell Mortgage, named Bert. Bert hired me because I could remember what was on top of my dresser in my bedroom during the interview. He apparently thought that proved I could pay attention to detail. In the ensuing year he taught me how to reconcile giant cash accounts to the penny. He also gave me the opportunity to work with the system design group implementing new accounting software on the mainframes that were starting to be used at the time. I received a crash course in the foundations of accounting that allowed me to work and feed myself and my family for many years. Thank you Bert.

Lawrence Parke was an acting coach whom I did connect with. Older than the hills by the time I met him, he was a gentle chain-smoking soul with an incredible third-eye. His ability to cut to the essence of you, was startling. He introduced me to my first agents and taught me a solid set of tools to use in my acting craft. Rest in peace Larry.

Belanie Dishong is a special angel that I met about the turn of the century. Her love, guidance and coaching woke me up, helping me shine a light on the falsehoods I had created as truths in my life. This allowed me to see, take responsibility for everything that has happened in my life and to understand that I always have the ability to make a new choice now. I've still never found the words to describe accurately the experience of working with Belanie. She never tells you anything, gently guiding you to find it all for yourself. All I know, is I found my way to the core of who I am, my heart and soul. Her love and support of my family have been a blessing in my life. My journey of active creation and discovery continues today. I recommend Belanie and Live at Choice regularly to everyone I meet. Thank you Belanie my angel.

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